My Setup

Below is my personal/professional computer specifications and software setup I use everyday. I’m sharing this information because I believe that you can find better tools for your workflow by seeing what other people are using in theirs. You can view my previous setups.

This is a living document, I will update it as things change.


Mad Scientist Special v3 (2022) – Custom Desktop
Built around March 2022 design and purchased part at Micro Center, and yes at supply chain pricing at the time. Due to events in my personal life I wasn’t able to deploy the machine until March 2024.


Operating System: Windows 11 Pro


Browser Addons/Extension

Office Suite

Development Tools


Tools & Utilites


Languages & Frameworks

* Learning

Graphic Design


Business Software

Web Services

All logos, trademarks, and copyrights are property of there respective owners.

I have left some lower level applications and services out for brevity, the full list would take days to write.

Last Updated: March 2024